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My name is Godfred Koduah Junior , born in Kumasi, Ghana. I hold a first degree in psychology from University of Ghana. I diverted into fashion and design when I discovered my passion for designing with garments. So I took some training in sewing and designing. This piece I have here, I call it the Wergud Art shirt, which is the usual tailored shirt with a blend of the African print. I worked with a white garment for the shirt and that influenced the choice of which African print fabric to use. I carefully cut out specific designs in the African garment , fold and iron the edges to allow smooth patching to the main white garment. I decide to patch the cut out print designs on the right side of the shirt so that I place a pocket on the left side . The patching is done in a straight vertical manner . That way it looks pleasing to the eye. After that , I join all other parts of the shirt and get it ready . This is a shirt that could be worn to official occasions and you wouldn’t be wrong just as it can do for African traditional settings .

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RE Ron Eglash
10/29/23, 12:00 AM
Love the shirt! Can I get one with short sleeves?