Kentee Craft Shoes-Ug

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Kentee craft is a small scale business that adds beauty on hand made sandals or African craft shoes. It’s located in Kampala Uganda. I am just a girl who happen to love using local African materials like beads, hides and skins to create beautiful and useful items that are admired by everyone like craft shoes and earrings. It also enables me to make sales so as to earn income for my basic needs. Materials I use to make the craft sandals are; The beads Plain sandals, needles, threads, shells ,back cloth, glue etc . The procedure of designing a craft; I start by assembling each pair according to the design and size , also colors of beads according to the design that I would love to make. I fix a thread in a needle then I put beads on a needle one by one as am sewing, I keep creating a pattern as am sewing according to my plan. After making the design, I use glue in the inside part of the shoe then I cut the fabric and strip it so as to cover the threads and for the comfort.

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