Portrait of A Honorable Indigene


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My name is Mawutor Tornyi, I am a visual artist from Ghana. I studied Commercial Art at the Takoradi Technical University. I’ve always loved expressing myself through visual depictions. Throughout my entire educational journey I have always practiced drawing/sketching with whatever time i get even during class hours. I became fascinated with drawing human figures and portraiture. Ever since i’ve practiced countless sketches of faces with different people, be it friends or strangers. Later on with my practice, i decided to portray more of faces that can really be identified with indigenous dark skinned people in Ghana accross all cultures and even love it more when my muses have some certain features that can easily identify them with their cultural background. e.g. Tribal mark. I also try sometimes to experiment with different mediums. People are always fascinated, happy and proud when they see you portray people they can relate with and that’s what keeps me going. The work you see was achieved through a digital(software) medium. I decided to go out of my comfort zone which was mostly the traditional drawing styles. I enjoyed making this particular work so much and learnt a lot. It’s a portraiture of one of my art class lecturer.

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