Time and seasons


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My name is ERICK HORLALI. I was born in Tema-Ghana, I live in Tema as well. I am a graduate who pursued his studies at the prestigious Takoradi Technical University. I have always had a strong passion for art and creativity. This passion has driven all my creative endeavours, including this beautiful art piece, which I hope you will enjoy! I have always held that view that the creative process of time and season is a fascinating interplay of various elements that inspire artists and writers to explore themes of change, transformation, and renewal. Here is a poetic exploration of the creative process of time and season: In the canvas of eternity, time weaves its intricate tapestry; Seasons dance in rhythmic harmony, a symphony of colours and light; Spring whispers of hope and new beginnings, a canvas of pastel hues. Summer blazes with passion and vitality, a tapestry of vibrant blues; Autumn paints with fiery strokes, a canvas of gold and red; Winter enfolds in a blanket of snow, a tapestry of pristine white. In the creative crucible of time and season, beauty and wonder unfold; Inspired by the changing tides of time, artists spin their tales; Brush strokes of joy and sorrow, of love and loss. Writers pen their verses, capturing the essence of each passing season; In the creative process of time and season, magic is born without reason; the dance of season's rhyme; For in the cycle of birth and death, we find the pulse of life divine. In the creative process of time and season, let our souls take flight; And soar on wings of imagination, in the ever-turning wheel of day and night; Art, they say, is a captivating delight of a touch of God's mind-blowing creation. Maybe, that is as close as humans get to an imitation. I hope you enjoyed reading this exposition of my beautiful art piece. Leave a comment! Thank you.

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